Guidelines for caring for people with psoriasis in warm weather

Red scaly patches can make people with psoriasis painful and itchy. However, these symptoms usually subside as the weather warms up in the summer. Here are some psoriasis care guidelines to avoid flare-ups in the summer.

1. Enjoying the sun One reason psoriasis often goes into remission in the summer is sun exposure. Ultraviolet rays will be helpful for most people with this condition. This is also why doctors will sometimes prescribe light therapy. However, you should still wear a full body sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
2. Sunbathe for a few minutes Sunbathing can be helpful when caring for psoriasis patients, but should not be abused. . You can relax for a few minutes in the sun, depending on your dermatologist's advice. Don't forget to use sunscreen on areas that don't have psoriasis to avoid damage and burning.
3. Don't get sunburned Although the sun helps many people with psoriasis, sunburn can make symptoms worse. If your skin tends to burn easily, additional precautions should be taken. Note that some medications can make you more sensitive to the sun.
người bị vẩy nến
Các mảng vảy đỏ có thể khiến người bị vẩy nến đau và ngứa

4. Swim or soak in the water If you don't have an open sore, you can go swimming. Not only is this a great exercise, but it also helps relieve stress. People with psoriasis can also enjoy a relaxing soak in a hot tub to help soften and peel off hard or scaly patches of skin.
5. Moisturize after a shower After a dip in a pool or hot tub, you should shower again to wash away chlorine or other chemicals that can irritate and dry out your skin. Consider using soaps and shampoos that remove chlorine. After drying your body, do not forget to apply moisturizer to provide moisture to the skin.
6. Be careful when using a razor People tend to wear short and cool clothes when the weather warms up. This also means that many women need to shave more often to wear summer clothes. Note for people with psoriasis, it's important to act slowly and carefully to avoid opening an open wound, which can trigger a flare-up of the condition. Use moisturizers and shaving gels to reduce the risk of bleeding.

7. Don't overuse the air conditioner If you spend a lot of time in the air conditioner, your skin can dry out and make psoriasis worse. Consider increasing the temperature on the air conditioner so that it is not too different from the outside. Spend more time outdoors and don't forget to moisturize your psoriasis skin.
8. Increase the humidity of the air In many places, summer will be hot and humid. The extra moisture can help keep your skin from drying out. But if you live in a hot dry place in the summer, use a good moisturizer. Consider installing a nebulizer to add moisture to the air.
9. Stay away from insects Warm weather creates conditions for mosquitoes and other bugs to breed and attack you. Insect bites are even worse for people with psoriasis. You may experience a red and itchy patch at the site of the bite for several weeks. To prevent this from happening, use insect repellent sprays, wear long clothes, and stay indoors during times when insects are most active, such as in the evening.
10. No exposure to poisonous plants In many places, the warm summer climate is suitable for some poisonous plants to grow. An itchy rash caused by the resin or pollen from these plants can trigger a flare of psoriasis symptoms. To avoid this situation, find out what these poisonous plants that cause itching look like and do not touch them. If contact occurs, wash skin immediately.
người bị vẩy nến
Người bị vẩy nến nên chọn trang phục mát mẻ

11. Choose cool clothes Another reason psoriasis goes into remission in warmer weather is because people tend to wear fewer layers of clothing. As a result, their skin is exposed to more sunlight and fresh air. So you should choose those shorts and t-shirts that start enjoying nice weather as soon as the temperature warms up.
12. Going on vacation Summer is a great time to visit the beach, the mountains, or a place you love. Many people find that psoriasis is worse when stressed, so you should take this time to relax. You can also stay local and enjoy some other fun without having to rush to prepare for travel. Time off really helps your mood as well as the condition of your psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a fairly common skin disease, taking good care of the patient will effectively support the treatment and recovery process. Hopefully the information in the above article has helped you better understand how to care for people with psoriasis in warm weather. If you have any questions, please contact Vinmec doctor for specific advice and answers.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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