Learn about the state of plant life

The vegetative state is the result of severe brain damage, neurodegenerative disorders, congenital brain abnormalities or metabolic disorders. So now is there any solution for people living plants?

1. What is plant life and what causes disease?

Vegetarianism is a chronic disease condition. At that time, the body still maintains blood pressure, breathing rate and cardiovascular functions, but the cognitive ability is gone. Some functions of the brain stem and medulla oblongata are still active. Help support respiratory activities and self-control sufficient to sustain life
There are two main causes of vegetative state: cerebral hypoxia and traumatic brain injury. Normally, a vegetative state occurs because brainstem and interstitial function recovers from coma, but cortical function does not. The cerebral cortex is severely damaged, the reticular activating system (RAS) is still functioning. Reflexes in the midbrain (medial brainstem) may or may not be noted. But the patient is no longer self-aware.
In a minimally conscious state, other than a vegetative state, there is evidence that the patient is aware of themselves or their environment. Patients also tend to improve (consciousness gradually becomes more awake), but improvement is very limited. This state may be the first warning sign of brain damage. Or it is possible to resume a vegetative state when one regains some function. The patient can switch between a vegetative state and a state of minimal alertness. But sometimes it takes years after the initial brain damage.

2. Symptoms and signs of vegetative life

2.1 Vegetative State Patients in a vegetative state have no awareness of themselves or their environment and are unable to interact with people around them. They lose directional responses to external stimuli and lose the ability to understand and express language.
Some of the following are present in patients with a vegetative state:
Sleep-wake cycles, which are not related to the environment nor necessarily reflect a specific circadian rhythm. Some brainstem reflexes are more complex. These include yawning, chewing, swallowing, and, less commonly, vocalizations from the oropharynx. There are signs of the integrity of the reticular structure (eye opening) and brain stem (reactive pupil, oculomotor reflex). There are awakening and startling reflexes (for example, loud sounds or flashing lights can cause eyes to open). Appears a smile or frown. Tears appear. Conjugated eye movements (eyes moving in the same direction), spontaneous - usually slow, constant velocity, and without jerky movements. Spontaneous eye movements can be misinterpreted as intentional gaze.
The patient is unable to respond to threatening visual stimuli and is unable to follow commands. The limbs can move, but the motor responses whose sole purpose are primitive movements (eg, grasping an object when it touches the hand). Sensation of pain usually induces a motor response (often cortical or cerebral posturing) but will not cause intentional avoidance. Patients with urinary incontinence.
Very rarely brain activity is detected by functional MRI or EEG. Responding to questions and commands should be assessed even in the absence of reactive behavior. The patient's actual level of awareness is unknown. In most patients with such brain activity, the vegetative state is usually due to posttraumatic brain damage, not hypoxic encephalopathy.
2.2 Minimally Conscious State Some discontinuous manifestations of meaningful interaction with the environment are conserved. Patients in a minimally conscious state can do some of the following:
Intentional grasping of objects. Responds to commands in a stereotypical way. Establish eye contact. Answer with the same word.

3. Treatment solutions for people living in plants

Patients should be continuously assessed for their condition using a scale for signs of progression, improvement or deterioration such as the Coma Recovery Scale.
Vegetarians often need to be monitored and supported with daily activities such as eating, cleaning, normal movement and physical therapy exercises. The treatment process does not guarantee that the patient will be completely cured, but supportive solutions will give the best chance of improving the disease:
Clean teeth every day Keep the patient's body clean Exercise for joints to prevent joint stiffness Try to communicate with the patient Nutritional support for the patient through an infusion tube Turn the patient regularly to avoid ulcers In some cases, pharmacological treatment with activators will be applied use. Certain medications such as tricyclic antidepressant or methylphenidate or deep brain stimulation may be used. Besides, the way of stimulating the interaction to create repeated interactions often, about 6 hours a day, is also likely to bring hope to awaken the patient such as:
Visual stimulation: Show the patient an image of the patient. friends or family members. Watch a movie or an item that person likes. Auditory stimulation: Talk regularly with the patient or play a favorite piece of music. Stimulating the sense of smell: Insert a flower with a faint scent or spray the scent of perfume that the patient liked/used in the past. Tactile stimulation: Hold the patient's hand frequently and stroke or use various fabrics to touch their skin. The above is important information about the state of plant life. It is best when there are people in the family who live on plants, you should take them to medical facilities to be checked by a doctor and advised on the best treatment and care for the patient.

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