Actively transmit autologous immunity to increase body immunity

Video content is professionally consulted by Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thanh Liem - Director of Vinmec Institute of Stem Cell and Gene Technology

For patients who can receive autologous immune booster at different times, it can be given before chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It can also be given between chemotherapy or radiotherapy sessions or after chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

For healthy people, the body from 50 years old onwards begins the aging process and the function of the immune system is also reduced, so over 50 years old is the right time to carry out immunotherapy. autotranslation.
Autologous immunotherapy is a very safe therapy because it uses autologous materials in each person. At Vinmec, after 5 years of application, almost no significant side effects have occurred.
Autologous immune cells have 2 effects:
Like the armed forces, the quality is improved and the quantity is added, so it increases the body's ability to protect a lot, strengthens the immune system. Autologous immune cells also have the ability to secrete Coo-factor substances, such as a special vitamin that nourishes and protects damaged or weakened immune cells, helping to strengthen the immune system. body. Transfusion of autologous immune cells and culture medium have been studied and tested for many years. This is a safe measure, with almost no side effects occurring.
Any age can use autologous immune boosting therapy. However, in people over 80 years of age, the immune cells have decreased, so when cultured many times, the ability to increase proliferation and effectiveness will also be limited.
Autologous immune boosting infusion therapy has been studied by Vinmec since 2015 and ended 2 years ago, the results prove the effectiveness of combining autologous immune cell therapy with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, can prolong the life of patients after surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. However, customers need to perform mandatory tests to rule out the possibility of viral infectious diseases such as: Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS... Autologous immune cell cultures have the risk of multiplying these viruses and causing danger to the body.

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