13 tips to prevent eye strain

The article was professionally consulted by an eye doctor - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
Eye fatigue are common conditions today due to the intensity of work, study and environmental factors.... You can take simple steps to prevent eye strain or alleviate the problem. this topic.

1. What causes eye fatigue?

When you experience any of the symptoms of eye fatigue below, you should see your doctor, as what you're feeling could be a sign of an eye health condition that needs treatment. This is especially important if you have headaches or other problems such as:
Eye discomfort, drowsiness Limited vision A major change in vision Anything that requires a lot of eye work can cause fatigue. Some of the most common causes of eye strain are:
Reading books/newspapers Writing Driving
Đọc sách
Đọc sách báo quá lâu cũng có thể khiến đôi mắt của bạn cảm thấy mệt mỏi
If you look at an area with strong light or spend time in a place where there is not enough light, it can also make your eyes tired.
Eyes can easily get tired if you stare at your computer, smartphone or game console for long periods of time.
It is estimated that computer-related eye symptoms may be the cause of 10 million eye exams each year. And the problem is expected to grow as more and more people use smartphones and other portable digital devices, which forces the eyes to work harder than usual when they're focused.

2. Eye fatigue symptoms

Be on the lookout for these signs:
Eye strain or irritation Difficulty concentrating Dry or watery eyes
Khô mắt
Khô hoặc chảy nước mắt là dấu hiệu đôi mắt của bạn đang mệt mỏi
Blurred or double vision Increased sensitivity to light These symptoms can reduce work productivity. If you stay awake and work long hours, eye strain can worsen. Sleep and essential nutrients are the way to relax and refresh your eyes. Lack of sleep can lead to repeated eye irritation.

3. How can you prevent eye fatigue?

Make some simple changes to prevent eye fatigue:
Computer monitor:
Place it about 20-26 inches away from your eyes and slightly below eye level. Regularly clean dust and fingerprints from surfaces. Stains can reduce contrast and create problems like glare and reflections. Select tilt and rotate screen. Use a screen glare filter. Working environment:
Change lighting to get rid of harsh glare and reflections. Use an adjustable chair. Place the brochure next to your computer screen.
Làm việc
Thay đổi môi trường làm việc để bảo vệ đôi mắt của bạn luôn khỏe mạnh
Your work habits:
Try the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at something about 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Post a reminder note that says "Blink/Blink" on your computer as a reminder. Take regular breaks from computer work. Your eye care routine:
Apply a wet washcloth soaked in warm water to tired, dry eyes (keep your eyes closed). Use artificial tears to refresh your eyes when they feel dry. To help prevent dry eyes indoors, use an air purifier to filter out dust and a humidifier to add moisture to the air. If eye strain or pain occurs, see an eye doctor to make sure the underlying condition is under control. If eye problems still don't go away, make an appointment with your eye doctor. department. To be able to make sure the symptoms aren't related to a problem like eye muscle imbalance or dry eyes. Your doctor can also tell if glasses or contact lenses need to be remeasured to be suitable for computer use.
If you have a need for consultation and examination at Hospitals of the national health system, please book an appointment on the website to be served..
References source: webmd.com

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