Distinguish between animal protein and vegetable protein

Animal and plant proteins are indispensable components in the formation and development of the human body. Understanding the differences, pros and cons of animal or plant proteins will help us make the most of their role in the body.

1. Learn about protein

Protein, also known as protein, is a component that can be found everywhere in the body (muscles, muscles, skin, bones, hair...). Protein plays a role in creating enzymes that promote chemical reactions and help red blood cells hemoglobin carry oxygen throughout the body.
According to research, in order to have a complete human body, it requires at least 10,000 different proteins combined. The deficiency of animal or vegetable protein will cause slow growth, muscle deficiency, resistance decline, heart and respiratory system weakness.
Protein can be found in many foods of animal or plant origin. Protein is divided into 2 types, including:
Animal protein: Found in fish, meat, eggs, milk, seafood....; Plant Protein: Found in rice, soybeans, corn, noodles, other legumes....

2. How to distinguish animal protein and vegetable protein?

Each animal protein or vegetable protein has different sources, so there are differences in each type that are hard to see with the naked eye.
2.1 About amino acid content During digestion, protein will be broken down into amino acids, there will be about 20 essential and non-essential amino acids used by the human body. The body cannot make essential amino acids but can produce non-essential amino acids and these amino acids are obtained through the diet.
Both proteins and amino acids play an important role in most metabolic processes in the human body. While animal proteins contain a good balance of all the amino acids needed by the human body, some plant proteins contain only a small number of essential amino acids that the body needs.
In particular, scientific studies also prove that foods containing animal protein contain more nutrients than foods containing plant protein, on the contrary, there are also many nutrients found in plants without present in animals. Therefore, using a balance of foods containing animal protein and vegetable protein is the best way to make the most of the nutrients that the body needs.
Phân biệt đạm động vật và đạm thực vật
Sự khác biệt giữa protein động vật và thực vật

2.2 In terms of health benefits In fact, a diet rich in plant protein or vegetarian will bring many health benefits to users, research has proven that vegetarians will control Better weight control, low cholesterol and stable blood pressure, effectively preventing the risk of stroke, cancer and death from heart disease is also lower.
On the other hand, using a diet rich in plant-based protein will also contribute to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. A plant-based protein-rich diet will provide many health benefits to users, possibly due to the diet combined with an overall healthy lifestyle, not necessarily the difference between animal and vegetable protein. object.
Compared with plant protein, animal protein also has a positive effect on health although not as healthy. Scientific research has shown that consuming low-fat poultry, fish or dairy products helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Eating eggs will help improve cholesterol levels and lose weight effectively. Regularly eating animal protein will help increase lean muscle mass and reduce age-related muscle loss.
2.3 About nutritional value Foods containing protein often bring a lot of nutritional value, in which animal protein tends to bring more nutrients than vegetable protein, specifically:
Vitamin B12 : This vitamin mainly mainly found in meat, fish, poultry, dairy products...; Vitamin D: Found in fatty fish, eggs, milk... Some plant-based foods also contain vitamin D, but not much; DHA: Scientific name is docosahexaenoic acid, is an essential omega-3 brain fat found in fatty fish; Heme iron: Found in many types of meat, especially red meat. Compared with non-heme iron from plant foods, heme iron is better absorbed in the human body; Zinc: Found in many animal protein sources such as pork, beef, lamb.... Research has also shown that the human body will more easily absorb zinc from animals than from plants; There are also many nutrients necessary for the development of the body found in plants that are not available in animals, so it is very important to use scientific and rational food from animals and plants. and necessary.
In summary, animal protein and vegetable protein are both important and necessary substances, each of which plays a different role in the process of formation and development in the body, using plant and vegetable protein. Smart objects will help make the most of the benefits they bring to the health of the user.

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