Diet after coronary artery disease surgery to avoid coronary re-stenosis

The article is professionally consulted by Cardiology & Thoracic Surgery doctors - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Many people believe that after coronary surgery, coronary artery disease is cured. This is a fatal mistake because blockages can occur in other locations of the coronary system. Re-occlusion of coronary arteries after surgery is usually caused by fat or blood clotting, so nutrition after coronary artery disease surgery plays an important role to avoid coronary re-stenosis.
Dyslipidemia occurs 70% due to metabolic disorders in the body and 30% is due to eating. We try to limit 70% by taking medicine and 30% by eating right. Here is the diet for patients after coronary surgery:

1. Choose fat

Good food for patients after coronary surgery should ensure nutrition, but do not contain too much harmful fat. The total amount of fat consumed during the day should not be more than 25-35%. Patients with coronary artery disease should limit harmful fats and increase beneficial fats.
Limit harmful fats
The types of harmful fats that patients after coronary surgery need to limit are saturated fat, cholesterol and trans fat.
Saturated fat and cholesterol are abundant in fat, skin, viscera of animals, red meats (pork, beef, goat meat), egg yolks, shrimp...
Trans fats are abundant in packaged foods, fast food and processed foods...
Fortified with good fats
Good fats are unsaturated fats found in olive oil, fish and nuts like Walnuts, almonds... They can help reduce blood LDL-c, lower blood pressure, limit atherosclerosis and bring many benefits to people with coronary artery disease.
Chất béo có lợi tốt cho tim mạch
Tăng cường chất béo có lợi mang nhiều lợi ích cho người bệnh mạch vành

2. Eat less salt

Studies show that reducing salt intake by 6g/day can reduce the risk of stroke by 24% and the risk of major coronary events by 18%. Therefore, patients after coronary artery surgery should have a low-salt diet, and should not eat salty foods in their daily dishes.

3. Eat a lot of fiber

A high-fiber diet is also recommended for people with coronary artery disease. There are two types of fiber: Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.
Soluble fiber helps reduce fat absorption and lower blood cholesterol levels. They are found in oats, legumes, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, strawberries, and apples.
Insoluble fiber is found in most grains, fruits and vegetables like cabbage, radishes, carrots, cauliflower...

4. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are high in fiber and antioxidants, which help lower cholesterol and prevent coronary heart disease from progressing.

5. Limit carbohydrate (sugar) intake

Limit carbohydrates such as white starch, white rice, and processed foods. Instead, eat whole grains that can help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Hạn chế thực phẩm chế biến sẵn sau phẫu thuật bệnh mạch vành
Hạn chế thực phẩm chế biến sẵn sau phẫu thuật bệnh mạch vành

6. Limit alcohol intake

Drinking too much alcohol can damage the cardiovascular system, especially dangerous for people who already have cardiovascular disease, because alcohol can increase blood pressure, increase triglyceride levels, promote atherosclerosis. Therefore, patients with coronary artery disease should limit alcohol consumption to no more than 2 cans of beer or 1 glass of hard liquor (equivalent to about 50ml) per day. Should choose heart-healthy alcohol such as red wine, and drink alcohol away from the time of taking the drug at least 1-2 hours to avoid dangerous interactions.
In addition, patients must stop smoking because nicotine constricts blood vessels and makes the heart work harder. If diabetes is present, the patient should adhere to a diet to control blood sugar well.
In general, people with coronary artery disease should maintain a healthy weight and eat a variety of foods, should not eat much to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease as well as limit atherosclerosis.
It should always be remembered that besides diet, regular and age-appropriate exercise and sports help the body burn excess fat and sugar in the body, regulate good cholesterol HDL and bad LDL, create Good blood circulation, helping the heart develop good coronary circulation can help the heart avoid coronary re-stenosis. Smoking cessation, treatment to control blood pressure and correct fat metabolism disorders, especially lifestyle modifications, working to reduce stress can slow the aging process of the blood vessels in general and the coronary arteries of the heart. .

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