How long can I lie on my side with rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a beauty method that many people choose to perform today to own a high, straight, symmetrical nose, and improve the face. How long to lie on the side of the nose is a big question for most people after rhinoplasty.

1. Can I lie on my side after rhinoplasty?

In essence, after rhinoplasty surgery, the doctor will use a special splint and bandage to fix the nose area. In addition, between the two nostrils, there will be a specialized bandage with a breathing tube, supporting the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose, pressing the septum. Therefore, the deviation of the cartilage of the bridge of the nose will minimize the occurrence
However, when cosmetic surgery, the new nose shape is shaped and fixed with cartilage and of course with such a short time, the cartilage cannot be connected yet. associated with surrounding tissues, the structure is not stable. In addition, the wound is still new, in the process of healing, very sensitive and vulnerable. Therefore, doctors recommend avoiding lying on your side.
If you have a strong injury or sleep with a tilted position, the shape of the nose will be crooked, deviated, affecting the results of rhinoplasty. Therefore, remember not to lie on your side, instead, choose an upright or flexible position, lying on both sides when sleeping to ensure safety. Until the nose has recovered, the soft tissue is filled, including the lifting cartilage, it is possible to lie on the normal side.
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2. How long can I lie on my side for rhinoplasty?

As mentioned above, the nose after lifting needs time to "get used to" and recover. The first days after rhinoplasty should not lie on your side. The average time to sleep with an upright position is 15-20 days after rhinoplasty. This is the "golden" period for the tissues and muscles in the nose to connect with each other.
To avoid lying on your side "unconsciously" while sleeping, you can insert 2 pillows on your side to keep your neck from tilting to one side.
If holding an upright position for a long time causes muscle fatigue, you can lie on your side for a few minutes to relax the muscles, making the muscles more comfortable.
After the healing process is complete, you can sleep on your side without affecting the shape of your nose anymore.
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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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