Arbitrarily using drugs, causing harm to the body

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There have been many deaths due to self-medication. Selling drugs at pharmacies is still too easy, making the trend of self-medication increasing.
When you have simple symptoms such as cough, headache, diarrhea or acidosis... what will you do? Mostly, few people are willing to go to the doctor. Some people reuse old prescriptions, some people use drugs in the style of "leaking" from friends and colleagues... Even, some people take back old drugs that were bought before to use without shelf life test membrane. Remember, even though the symptoms are the same, the causes are different. If the root is not treated properly, the disease still "eats on the bed" but is not relieved.
Drugs that users often use are types sleeping pills . Arbitrarily using sleeping pills is extremely dangerous because it can make insomnia become more "disturbed". Due to not being used with the appropriate dose and time, it leads to drug dependence, even falling into "sleep for a long time".

There have been many cases of patients voluntarily taking drugs, then hospitalized, mild skin irritation, skin rash, severe fever, coma... (Photo: Internet)
There have been many cases In case the patient self-medicates, then has to be hospitalized, mild skin irritation, skin rash, severe fever, coma... Remember, every body is different, no one is the same. Even if they are from the same family. Drugs can be "best" in one person but can be "disruptive" in another. Therefore, patients need to consult and prescribe drugs from doctors and pharmacists.
Not only affects health and life, self-medication will also affect the patient's "pocket". There are some diseases, in fact, just using simple, cheap but effective drugs, the patient listens to colleagues and friends, looking to buy "brand name" drugs. This is not really necessary. Moreover, using the wrong drug "system" makes the disease take longer to heal. Self-medication is even more dangerous when treating depression and anxiety. The trend of using anti-anxiety medication before exam day is increasing among students. Many cases are provoked, leading to violent behavior by self-administering this drug.
Arbitrary use of drugs also leads to drug addiction. Harm is further increased when drug users do not understand the interaction between this drug and that drug, the interaction between the drug with food, alcohol... There has been a case where a patient took aspirin in the stomach. starvation, resulting in stomach bleeding.
Other commonly used forms of medicine are lotions. Don't think that topical medications are harmless. Drugs applied through the skin will also enter the bloodstream. In skin creams, there are many chemicals that are "friends" to one person's skin but are "enemies" to another.
When having an illness, it is necessary to practice the habit of going to the doctor for instructions on taking medicine. It is also necessary to educate children about the harmful effects of arbitrarily using drugs, not taking drugs in a "passionate" style from friends.
Pharmacies should have pharmacists on hand to advise patients on over-the-counter medicines. Particularly for drugs that are required to be prescribed, pharmacies also need to refuse to sell them to customers. This sounds difficult to do in the context of medical practice in Vietnam. However, it should be understood that human life comes first.
According to DS Nguyen Ba Huy Cuong - Phunuonline
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