Is there any cosmetic treatment for sunken eyes and double vision after cheekbone surgery?

Hello doctor, I just finished cheekbone surgery but after 2 weeks of surgery, my eyes are sunken and I have double vision when looking up or down! Is there any cosmetic treatment for sunken eyes and double vision after cheekbone surgery? Thank you doctor!
Nguyen Thanh Vu (1992)
Hello! Double vision is a sign (complication or sequelae) that can be encountered with zygomatic surgery because the floor of the orbit on the injured side is lower than the healthy side. Need to re-examine soon, evaluate with CT film, if displaced a lot can reattach bone, put titanium mesh to support the orbital floor, if the displacement is small, it is possible to have surgery to reconstruct the orbital floor after 3-6 months. with grease or titanium mesh.
You can register for an examination at a hospital of Vinmec Health System to be examined and consulted by qualified doctors.
Thank you for trusting and sending the question "is there any cosmetic treatment for sunken eyes and double vision after cheekbone surgery?" to Vinmec. Best regards!

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Answered by Master, Doctor Nguyen Dang Dai - Cosmetic Doctor - Vinmec - View Aesthetic Center, Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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