Is it dangerous for a 16-month-old baby to urinate many times a day?

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Hello doctor,
My baby is 16 months old, more than 10 kg. From this afternoon, ie January 8, 2020, I noticed that the baby showed signs of peeing, urinating many times, the urine was less wet in the crotch, not wet as before, the urine was clear. The baby is still playing normally with no other strange symptoms. So the doctor asked me to ask my 16-month-old baby to urinate many times a day, is it dangerous? I thank you.
Anonymous question
Answered by BSCK II Bui Thu Huong - Pediatric Center, Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
With the question: "Is it dangerous for a 16-month-old baby to urinate many times a day?" The doctor's answer is as follows:
With the above symptoms, it is necessary to monitor whether the child has a urinary tract infection or not. You should take your child to the hospital for an examination, an abdominal ultrasound and a urine test to guide treatment.
If you still have questions about the fact that your 16-month-old baby urinates many times a day, you can take your child to a hospital under Vinmec Health System to be examined. Thank you for your interest and question to Vinmec.
Best regards!

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