Epilepsy is there any way to overcome?

Hello doctor. My son is 5 years old this year, has epilepsy, every more than 1 year he has it again. I took her to the doctor, but it's just preliminary diagnoses. Doctor, is there any way to overcome this situation? Ask your doctor for advice.
Dang Quyet (1990)
Epilepsy has many diseases, due to many causes. You need to go back to a specialist and have an EEG for your baby. However, the frequency of once a year is not high, just need to be closely monitored. In some cases, children will stop having seizures on their own after they grow up.
Thank you for asking questions to the website vimec.com . Best regards.
Dr. Bui Thi Phuong Hoa - Genetic consultant doctor - Vinmec High-Tech Center

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