Do you need dialysis if you have tapeworm disease?

Hello doctor. The doctor asked me, do I have to have dialysis if I have cysticercosis? Thank you doctor for replying to me.
Ngo Thi Minh (1969)
Hello, sister. Thank you for trusting and sharing your concerns with Vinmec. Currently, treatment of canine tapeworm disease is not indicated for dialysis. You should go to the infectious disease department to be examined and advised on the best treatment method.
You can register for an examination at a hospital of Vinmec Health System nationwide to receive a health check and timely intervention. Avoid leaving it for a long time, it will affect your health status. Best regards!
Answered by Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Phuong Nam - Emergency Medicine Doctor - Emergency Department - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

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