Can I do a DNA test at 27 weeks pregnant?

Hello doctor! I am 27 weeks pregnant, can I have a DNA test? Thank you doctor!
Nguyen Linh (1997)

Hi there! The timing of a paternity DNA test during pregnancy depends on the type of test you choose, but can generally be done as early as 8 weeks without any risk to the mother or baby.
Women should choose a non-invasive prenatal DNA test to make sure there is no risk of miscarriage or any other risk to themselves or their developing baby. Invasive methods require further fetal development before they can be performed.
There are three types of DNA tests that can be done while pregnant; Noninvasive prenatal DNA testing (NIPT), amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling or chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Therefore, you can do a DNA test at 27 weeks, but before the test you should consult with your doctor about the status of the fetus as well as the appropriate testing methods. Thank you for your interest and question on website. Hope you get well soon. Best regards.

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