Can acne on both cheeks in teenagers be cured?

Hello doctor. Currently, my cheeks have a lot of acne, can you please advise if the acne on both cheeks in teenagers can be cured? Thank you!
Ngoc Hai ( 2002 )
Answered by BSCK I Le Thi Thu Hang - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
With the question: "Can acne on the cheeks in teenagers be cured?" The doctor's answer is as follows:
Acne is a common skin disease in teenagers and young adults caused by increased sebum secretion and inflammation of the sebaceous hair follicles. For mild cases of acne, doctors will prescribe topical medications containing Tretinoin, Adapalene or antibiotics Clindamycin, erythromycin,... In severe cases, antibiotics or isotretinoin can be taken depending on age and contraindications. .
About diet and activities to avoid acne: you need to clean your face, wash it with cleanser twice a day, avoid squeezing and squeezing acne. Foods to avoid are foods high in sugar, butter, coffee, chocolate. Avoid nervous tension...
If you still have questions about acne on both cheeks in teenagers, you can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System for an examination. Thank you for your interest and question to Vinmec.
Best regards!

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