Home Tag Vitamin K3

Articles in Vitamin K3

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Recognizing and preventing vitamin K deficiency
When a child has unexplained spontaneous bruising, he or she is lacking one of the factors necessary for blood clotting. One of the important clotting factors is vitamin K.
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Prevention of vitamin K deficiency and cerebral hemorrhage in children
According to research, 90% of children with cerebral hemorrhage due to vitamin K deficiency usually occur at 30-40 days of age, mainly due to vitamin K deficiency. Cerebral hemorrhage - meningitis in young children can be completely prevented by providing vitamin K to all newborns.
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Vitamin K deficiency can cause brain hemorrhage in young children
Newborns who do not get enough vitamin K from their mothers during pregnancy or while breastfeeding are at risk for a rare disorder called vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB). VKDB can cause bleeding into the brain and can lead to brain damage or even death. VKDB can be prevented by giving newborns extra vitamin K.
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All you need to know about Vitamin K3 (Menadione)
Vitamin K refers to a group of structurally similar compounds., including vitamin K3 (also known as menadione), which is a man-made form of vitamin K.
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