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Articles in Vaginal lubricant

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Are lubricants for sex edible?
Lubricants are commonly used to reduce friction and enhance comfort during sexual activities. They come in various flavors, including green apple, cherry, vanilla, and more, which may resemble beverage flavors and seem edible. However, regardless of whether a lubricant is flavored or unflavored, it is essential to choose one that is safe for oral consumption. A lubricant that is not safe to ingest is also not safe to use near or inside the vagina or anus. In this article, we will provide useful information on why it is crucial to ensure that your favorite lubricant is edible and how to do so.
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Should coconut oil be used to lubricate the vagina?
Vaginal lubrication is essential during sex, helping to relieve some vaginal dryness and reduce pain during intercourse. Coconut oil is a product that has been proven safe and effective as a moisturizer.
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