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Articles in Urine

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Why does urine have sediment?
When the body is healthy, urine is usually clear or pale yellow. When the body has a disease, urine has white sediment. There are many causes of urine sediment.
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How to collect urine properly for testing
The urine test is a familiar test to many people, however, not everyone knows how to collect clean urine for testing to get the best results.
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What is the normal pH level of urine?
Urine is a sterile fluid produced by the kidneys and excreted from the body through the urethra. It contains various components such as water, salts, and dissolved substances from metabolic processes. Urine tests include a pH level, which indicates the balance of compounds in urine and affects its acidity level. The urine pH test analyzes the acidity or alkalinity of urine.
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Women with painful urination with blood, lower abdominal pain: Beware of urinary tract infection
Lower abdominal pain and painful urination with blood in women can be warning signs that you have a urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infections in women, if not diagnosed and treated early, can cause many dangerous complications, affecting the quality of daily life and even endangering the patient's life.
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What disease causes foul-smelling and yellow urine?
Urine with a simple yellow odor usually only lasts a few days and goes away on its own. However, if combined with other symptoms such as painful urination, burning urination, persistent foul odor, etc., you should see a doctor because it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection.
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