Home Tag Urinary tract infections in children

Articles in Urinary tract infections in children

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Antibiotics for urinary tract infections in children
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common disease in children, indicating a general infection, which can be the upper urinary tract (pyelonephritis) or the lower urinary tract (cystitis). Children with urinary tract infections have symptoms such as fever, painful urination, urinary incontinence, and when tested, a large amount of bacteria is found in the urine. Treatment of UTIs for children requires antibiotics, the type of antibiotic and the dose depend on other factors such as the severity of the disease or the age of the child.
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Urinalysis in children with urinary tract infections
Nhiễm trùng đường tiết niệu (UTI) ở bệnh nhân nhi được định nghĩa là tình trạng nhiễm các tác nhân vi khuẩn thường gặp liên quan đến đường tiết niệu dưới (viêm bàng quang), và đường tiết niệu trên (viêm thận bể thận) hoặc cả hai, gây bệnh cho trẻ.
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