Home Tag Ultrasound of the biliary tract

Articles in Ultrasound of the biliary tract

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What you need to know about biliary ultrasound
Biliary ultrasound is one of the techniques often prescribed by doctors to detect some unusual problems in diseases related to the liver and bile.
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Men with pinworms entering the biliary tract how to treat?
I went to the clinic for an ultrasound, the doctor told me that I had a pinworm in my bile duct, gave me two injections to let the worms get a place to turn my head down and gave me 2.5 days of medicine to drink. It helps me when I lie down, but it hurts to walk, I have to go hunchback to be comfortable. I was treated for a day and two nights. So the doctor told me how to treat men with pinworms entering the biliary tract? Thank you doctor.
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Standard slices in liver and biliary ultrasound
Siêu âm gan mật là kỹ thuật chẩn đoán hình ảnh hiện đại góp phần quan trọng vào công tác chẩn đoán và điều trị các bệnh lý gan, mật. Vậy các lát cắt tiêu chuẩn được sử dụng trong việc quan sát gan mật gồm những lát cắt nào?
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