Home Tag Treatment of varicose veins

Articles in Treatment of varicose veins

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Are varicose veins effective?
Varicose veins are a common disease today, especially varicose veins in the lower extremities. Therefore, many patients seek treatment for this disease, such as oral or topical varicose veins. So how effective is the varicose vein medication and how should patients use this drug?
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Can varicose veins be treated with surgery and lasers?
Hi doctor! I saw the article "Is deep venous insufficiency dangerous?". So the doctor asked me if the deep veins of the lower extremities can be treated with sclerotherapy, surgery and laser? Seek advice from your doctor. Thank you.
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How are varicose veins in the chin treated?
Hi doctor! I have varicose veins in my chin and I went to an ultrasound and the doctor said that this vein is empty and does not affect my health. I don't feel any pain, sometimes it's just a little itchy and a little twitchy.
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Should I get sclerotherapy if I have blood in my legs?
Hi doctor! I am 27 years old this year, I have blood nets under the skin on both legs, my grandmother and mother also have it. I don't know if it's genetic or not. Currently, my legs have a lot of red blood under the skin, I notice that it seems to be more than a little bit more each day than before.
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How to treat varicose veins and swollen blood vessels in the legs?
Hi doctor! My legs have varicose veins, blood vessels in the legs. Doctor tell me how to treat varicose veins and swollen blood vessels in the legs? I would like to thank you.
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Does Vinmec examine and treat varicose veins with laser?
Doctor let me ask if there is a laser treatment for varicose veins in Vinmec? Thank you doctor.
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Varicose veins: What you need to know
Giãn tĩnh mạch là bệnh lý thuộc nhóm bệnh của mạch máu ngoại vi. Bệnh không chỉ ảnh hưởng tới thẩm mỹ mà còn gây bất tiện trong sinh hoạt, nhiều trường hợp phải cắt bỏ chân vì viêm nhiễm nặng.
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Swollen blood vessels in the hands is what disease?
Đối với hầu hết mọi người, sưng phồng mạch máu ở bàn tay là bình thường và chỉ ảnh hưởng đến thẩm mỹ. Nhưng với một số người, tĩnh mạch sưng phồng lên lại là triệu chứng của vấn đề lớn hơn. Cùng tìm hiểu bài viết dưới đây xem liệu sưng mạch máu ở tay là bệnh gì và có nguy hiểm không.
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