Home Tag Treatment of tricuspid valve regurgitation

Articles in Treatment of tricuspid valve regurgitation

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Treatment of tricuspid valve disease by minimally invasive open-heart surgery with endoscopic support
Tricuspid regurgitation, when mild, does not require treatment, but only needs regular monitoring. When tricuspid regurgitation becomes severe, it will be very dangerous if you are not treated promptly and properly. Currently, minimally invasive open-heart surgery to repair the heart valve or replace it with an artificial heart valve is applied in the treatment of severely ill patients that cannot be treated medically.
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People with aneurysms, tricuspid regurgitation, and cerebral vascular occlusion should be treated like?
Hi doctor. My uncle had an aneurysm, tricuspid valve regurgitation, blood pooling in a bubble right at the heart stem, cerebral vascular occlusion, ear artery 1 leg and 1 arm, 1 in the abdomen. There is treatment in Binh Thuan and is now transferred to a higher level, but the results show that the possibility of the uncle and grandson having surgery is very low.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics