Home Tag Treatment of liver calcification

Articles in Treatment of liver calcification

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Can I drink coffee with calcified liver?
Hi doctor! Doctor, can I drink coffee with calcified liver? Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. Thank you.
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Is liver calcification dangerous? How is the treatment?
Hi doctor! I had abdominal pain, went to the doctor and concluded that the liver was calcified. The doctor asked me if liver calcification is dangerous? How is the treatment?
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Can 7mm intrahepatic gallstones with digestive disorders be completely cured?
I was diagnosed with 7mm right liver calcification nodules about 4 years ago. Recently, I went to the doctor at 2 places and both found that I had a 7mm intrahepatic bile duct stone with symptoms of abdominal distension after eating, slow digestion, sluggishness, discomfort, difficulty in movement, palms. dry and yellow skin, right back pain at night, dark urine and small amount of urine, especially after 1 night, there is only a little urine, analytical test of bilirubin concentration in urine is high 8.5, stool has when discolored, sometimes dark green or dark brown. Currently, I am being prescribed only 1 medicine urdoc 100mg for 3 months. Can you advise me if I have 7mm intrahepatic gallstones with digestive disorders completely cured?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics