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Articles in Treatment of intestinal obstruction

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Measures to treat intestinal obstruction
The gut is one of the most important parts of the human body. When intestinal obstruction, the disease will progress to a dangerous level in a short time if it is not detected and intervened in time. Therefore, learning about the treatment options for intestinal obstruction is extremely necessary.
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Does bowel obstruction require surgery?
In case the patient has a complete intestinal obstruction, does not respond to other treatment options or has complications after treatment, the doctor will recommend surgery for intestinal obstruction. Depending on the type of surgery and the patient's health condition, the recovery time will vary.
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Beware of intestinal obstruction due to food residue
Patients with intestinal obstruction due to food residues often find it difficult to accurately diagnose the cause until surgery. The goal of treatment is to help the patient get rid of the undigested food residue and prevent recurrence. In case of not timely treatment, the disease can cause many dangerous complications such as dehydration, loss of electrolytes due to low blood pressure, vomiting, premature collapse...
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Warning symptoms of intestinal obstruction
Early recognition of intestinal obstruction symptoms will help quickly diagnose the disease accurately and take timely intervention measures, preventing the risk of complications.
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Common types of intestinal obstruction and its causes
In abdominal emergency, intestinal obstruction is one of the most common emergencies, second only to appendicitis. Medically, intestinal obstruction is actually a syndrome caused by stopping the circulation of gas and digestive juices in the intestinal lumen, the causes of intestinal obstruction are many.
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Is bowel obstruction dangerous?
Intestinal obstruction is a condition in which the circulation of substances in the intestinal lumen is stopped. Intestinal obstruction is divided into several types based on the cause. Intestinal obstruction needs to be treated early, in many cases it is necessary to have an emergency or it will lead to bowel necrosis and death.
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How to definitively treat intestinal obstruction?
When I was 6 years old, I had an intussusception surgery at General Hospital, when I was 17-18 years old, I started to have bowel obstruction again about 1-2 years, recently about 1 year ago. It happens more often (3 - 4 months 1 time) making me very tired. The doctor told me how to completely treat intestinal obstruction
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Intestinal obstruction in cancer patients
In the late stages of gynecological cancer and gastrointestinal cancer, malignant bowel obstruction frequently occurs, causing discomfort and inconvenience in the last days of life. 25-40% of malignant bowel obstructions arise from end-stage colon cancer; followed by ovarian cancer in women. Treatment of bowel obstruction in cancer patients is primarily aimed at easing symptoms, not treating the cause.
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Neonatal intestinal obstruction syndrome
Hội chứng tắc ruột là một cấp cứu ngoại khoa hay gặp ở trẻ sơ sinh. Tắc ruột có thể gặp ở bất kỳ đoạn nào của đường tiêu hoá, gây tắc nghẽn các chất có trong lòng ruột. Bệnh rất nguy hiểm, đe dọa tính mạng của trẻ nếu không được chẩn đoán và điều trị kịp thời.
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Recognizing signs of intestinal obstruction in children
Tắc ruột ở trẻ có thể do táo bón kéo dài hoặc do khối u. Ngoài ra, cũng có thể do không tuân thủ an toàn vệ sinh và bị vi khuẩn giun đũa gây dính kết . Khi bị tắc ruột trẻ khóc nhiều vì đau bụng dữ dội, nôn ói. Chính vì vậy, phụ huynh cần lưu ý và xử lý kịp thời khi trẻ gặp phải chứng bệnh này.
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