Home Tag Treatment of gallbladder polyps

Articles in Treatment of gallbladder polyps

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Treatment of cholecystitis with laparoscopic surgery
Cholecystitis is an infection of the gallbladder. If left untreated, this condition can lead to infection and perforation of the gallbladder. Because of its dangerous nature, in many cases, cholecystitis requires urgent treatment to avoid unfortunate consequences.
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Treatment of gallbladder polyps by laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Gallbladder polyps, also known as gallbladder mucosal papillomas, are a tumor-like or pseudotumor lesion that develops on the surface of the gallbladder lining. This is a fairly common disease, which can present at any age (but mainly in adults, very rarely in children) and there is no significant difference in incidence between men and women.
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Things to know after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is surgery to remove the gallbladder, a pear-shaped organ located below the liver. Normally, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is not dangerous, but after surgery still need to pay attention to some points for the patient's health to recover the fastest.
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Does 0.9 mm gallbladder polyp need surgery?
Hi doctor! Doctor asked if 0.9 mm gallbladder polyp requires surgery?
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How is gallbladder polyp treated and does removal affect anything?
Hi doctor! I have gallbladder polyp, I want to ask how to treat gallbladder polyp and if it has any effect? I would like to thank the doctor.
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How to treat 40mm gallbladder polyp?
I have a gallbladder polyp about 40mm in size. Doctor tell me how to treat 40mm gallbladder polyp? I hope the doctor can help me. I would like to thank you.
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Gallbladder polyps: When to operate?
Gallbladder polyps are fleshy cysts that grow in the gallbladder. Fortunately, 95% of polyps are benign. However, there is still about a 5% risk of developing gallbladder cancer. So when does gallbladder polyp need surgery, please refer to the article below!
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Are polyps in the gallbladder dangerous?
Gallbladder polyp is a tumor-like or pseudotumor lesion that develops on the surface of the gallbladder mucosa, is an organizational form that originates from the gallbladder wall and protrudes into the gallbladder lumen. In addition to gallstones, cholecystitis, and gallbladder motility disorders, multiple gallbladder polyps is one of the common diseases.
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How are gallbladder polyps diagnosed and treated?
Gallbladder polyp is a neoplasm or pseudotumor that develops on the surface of the gallbladder lining. Gallbladder polyps are quite common and can appear at any age. So how to diagnose and treat gallbladder polyps, please follow the article below.
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Gallbladder polyp treatments
Gallbladder polyps are one of the most common diseases of the gallbladder. Treatment methods for gallbladder polyps include conservative treatment and surgery (depending on the doctor's prescription for each specific case).
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What are gallbladder polyps and do they need to be treated?
Gallbladder polyp is a disease discovered by chance on ultrasound, or when the patient goes to the doctor because of abdominal bloating and indigestion. This diagnosis is strange to most people, makes us worry, we do not know whether it is benign or malignant, how to treat it?
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