Home Tag Treatment of colorectal cancer

Articles in Treatment of colorectal cancer

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How to detect colorectal cancer early?
Tại Việt Nam, theo con số thống kê 2018 với dân số 96.491.142: Số ca bệnh ung thư mới mắc hàng năm là 164.671 người, tỷ lệ mắc 140/100.000 người-năm, số chết 114.871 người/năm. Trong đó Ung thư đại trực tràng là: 14.733 ca (8.9% các loại ung thư).
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Is colorectal cancer curable?
Currently, surgical resection is the mainstay of treatment for patients with colorectal cancer. In addition, combination therapy (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, resection of metastases) increases survival in selected cases.
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What can you do to increase your survival time after colorectal cancer treatment?
Gastroenterologists can and should guide colorectal cancer survivors in lifestyle choices to reduce the risk of recurrence and death from the disease. So what can you do to increase your survival time after cancer treatment?
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Robotic surgery for colorectal cancer: High efficiency, much pain relief
Colorectal cancer is not a rare disease, it is like other cancers, if detected and treated at an early stage, the success rate is more than 90%. So how is colorectal cancer treated, let's find out.
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Vinmec - A prestigious address for colorectal cancer detection, screening and treatment
If colorectal cancer is detected early, the treatment success rate will be up to 90%, but it will only be 10% when detected at a late stage. Periodic colorectal cancer screening will be the most effective method to protect our health against this dangerous cancer. Currently, Vinmec has been a leading medical facility in the field of colorectal cancer detection and screening.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics