Home Tag Treatment of cholecystitis

Articles in Treatment of cholecystitis

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Double-bottomed gallbladder with hourglass shape, dull pain in right flank, need surgery?
I just got back from an ultrasound with a double hourglass shaped gallbladder. Inflammation below the fibrous wall is 7mm thick, with a group of stones in the lumen. I come back often with pain in the right side. The pain has been dull for many days. The doctor advises me that I have an hourglass-shaped double-bottom gallbladder with dull pain in the right flank, do I need surgery?
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What is the function of the gallbladder? Causes of cholecystitis
Many people wonder where the gallbladder is located and what function does the gallbladder have in the body? The following article will provide you with knowledge about the location and role of the gallbladder, so that there are best measures to prevent cholecystitis.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics