Home Tag Treatment of autoimmune hepatitis

Articles in Treatment of autoimmune hepatitis

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Causes and mechanisms of autoimmune hepatitis
The main cause of autoimmune hepatitis is unknown. In people with autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks one or more parts of the body as if they were foreign. This causes inflammation and can destroy one or more of the affected organs.
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Warning symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis
Symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis can range from mild to severe and come on suddenly or develop over time. Some people have few, or no, symptoms early in the disease.
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Clinical features of autoimmune hepatitis
Autoimmune hepatitis is a non-contagious disease that usually occurs at any age in both men and women. Although it occurs more frequently in women between the ages of 10 and 30, it can also occur after middle age.
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Autoimmune hepatitis in children
Like autoimmune hepatitis in adults, autoimmune hepatitis in children is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks liver cells. There is currently no cure for autoimmune hepatitis. Treatment is aimed at controlling the condition.
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Treatment of autoimmune hepatitis
Autoimmune hepatitis mainly occurs in adults with a low rate. So the treatment of autoimmune hepatitis is not a concern if detected early, the patient will be treated with medication to cure it completely.
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