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Articles in tonsils

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Should 31-month-old children have their tonsils removed?
Hello doctor, my baby has tonsillitis once every fortnight, the baby is 31 months old, went to the doctor and advised to remove the tonsils, I want to ask if it should be removed? Is there any pain after cutting?
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Should my baby have tonsils removed when he has A?
Hello doctor! My baby often has a fever, almost every month has a fever. I took my baby to the doctor, the doctor said he had inflammation A. The doctor asked me if I had to remove the tonsils or how to treat it?
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Manifestations of pain on one side of the tonsils, dry throat at night, dry cough, what is the risk of disease?
Hello doctor. I am 37 years old, often feel pain on one side of the tonsil. Often dry throat at night, dry cough, cough can continue for several hours (appears only at night), difficulty sleeping, feeling the muscle below the right angle of the jaw when pressing on the density is firmer and bigger than the side left
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How many days to discharge tonsils?
How many days to be discharged from the tonsillectomy? The 25-year-old girl often has sore throat, sore throat, phlegm, dry or cold weather, she has tonsils. Since I was young, my doctor advised me to cut it, but because I was too busy, I didn't cut it. During this time, I feel pain in the joints of the hands and feet and some other symptoms.
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Methods of cutting tonsils for children
The plasma knife or coblator tonsillectomy is a method of using energy from high-frequency electromagnetic waves (also known as radio waves) to create a conductive cloud around the cutting device, allowing cutting and breaking.
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3 reasons to cut large tonsils to help children stay healthy
Tonsillitis not only causes sore throat, but also increases the size of the tonsils, causing the tonsils to enlarge, causing pressure on the airways and digestive tract. So if the tonsils are enlarged, how to not affect the health of the child? Should tonsils be removed? And if cutting, when is the best time to cut?
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The structure and function of the waldayer lymphatic ring
Chức năng của vòng bạch huyết waldayer có vai trò rất quan trọng, giúp tiêu diệt các yếu tố gây hại xâm nhập cơ thể như virus, vi khuẩn, nấm,...từ đó ngăn ngừa hiệu quả các nhiễm trùng hô hấp trên.
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Tonsillitis at the base of the tongue: What you need to know
Tonsillitis at the base of the tongue is one of the diseases of the upper respiratory tract, caused by the attack of pathogens on the tonsils at the base of the tongue, leading to an inflammatory reaction.
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Tonsillitis causing an abscess around the tonsils
A tonsil abscess is a purulent inflammatory condition that occurs in the loose connective tissue located around the tonsils, between the tonsils and the side wall of the throat. Abscesses around the tonsils are common in older children and adults. There are many causes of tonsillitis, of which the most common is the resulting tonsillitis.
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Is strep throat a sign of throat/oesophageal cancer?
Swallowing problems is a fairly common symptom of a sore throat, especially in chronic cases. This symptom is very uncomfortable, causes a decline in quality of life and sometimes makes patients worry and afraid of cancerous diseases. The following article will help you have a clear assessment of this issue and guide you to deal with when you have a sore throat.
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Is there any method to remove tonsils and curettage of VA in children?
Tonsillectomy and VA curettage for children is a surgery performed quite a lot today to thoroughly treat tonsil and VA pathologies. There are many surgical methods that have been and are being applied, depending on the medical facility's conditions, the doctor's qualifications, the patient's ability and specific conditions.
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