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Articles in Thrombosis

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Use of anticoagulants with vitamin K
Vitamin K anticoagulants are used to treat and prevent the formation of blood clots and to prevent blood clotting in the blood vessels. Here is some information about the use of vitamin K antagonist anticoagulants.
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Side effects of anticoagulants
Anticoagulants are used to prevent and treat diseases caused by blood clots. However, the use of anticoagulants has many caveats. Doctors and patients need to closely monitor the signs regularly to promptly handle the side effects of anticoagulants.
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Interactions between licorice and drugs
Licorice has many health benefits such as helping to nourish, detoxify, protect the liver, increase resistance, ... However, when drinking licorice, it is necessary to be very careful, patients should not use it for a long time. because licorice has some side effects such as causing high blood pressure, hypokalemia, ... In addition, licorice has the risk of interacting with drugs used at the same time, affecting the patient's health.
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Ticagrelor has just been approved by the FDA for the prevention of recurrent stroke.
Ticagrelor is a drug with antiplatelet effect, circulated in Vietnam under the brand name Brilinta. In the fourth quarter of 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Brilinta to be prescribed for the purpose of reducing the risk of stroke in patients with ischemic stroke (with NISSH score <=5) or stroke. high-risk transient ischemic attack.
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Lenalidomide: Uses, indications and cautions when using
Lenalidomide is used in the treatment of cancer through several mechanisms. This medicine is only used when prescribed by a specialist. Learn the notes when using Lenalidomide through the article below!
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What is Luotai?
Loutai is used to treat problems with the heart and blood circulation. In addition, Loutai also has the effect of prolonging blood clotting time, dissolving blood clots.
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Uses of Aetoxisclerol
Chronic venous insufficiency is a common disease in the lower extremities. Besides using drugs, patients can treat this disease by using intravenous sclerotherapy with the advantages of simplicity, low cost and ease of implementation. One of the widely used intravenous sclerotherapy is Aetoxisclerol.
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Uses of Aggrenox
The effect of Aggrenox is to help reduce blood clots. However, you can not take the drug without a doctor's prescription to avoid dangerous side effects on internal organs and brain. The following article is some basic information about the drug for your reference.
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Uses of Aceronko
The drug Aceronko has the main active ingredient is Acenocoumarol with a concentration of 4mg; What is the use of Aceronko 4mg drug, how to use it, the following article will help you better understand the drug Aceronko 4mg.
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Avatrombopag side effects
Avatrombopag is used to improve the platelet count for people who are having problems with low platelet cells. When using the drug, you need to follow the instructions of your doctor to avoid unwanted side effects.
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Uses of Kimose
Kimose is an enzyme-based anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce post-traumatic edema, anti-inflammatory or antithrombotic. In order to improve treatment effectiveness and prevent unwanted side effects, patients need to understand the effects as well as strictly follow the indications and doses of Kimose.
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