Home Tag Testicular biopsy

Articles in Testicular biopsy

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Testicular tumor removal with intraoperative biopsy
Khối u tinh hoàn ác tính là một trong những loại ung thư thường gặp nhất ở nam giới từ 15-35 tuổi. Sinh thiết tinh hoàn giúp chẩn đoán u tinh hoàn một cách hiệu quả.
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What you need to know about testicular biopsies
Testicular biopsy is a method of detecting the presence of sperm in the testes/episi, indicated in the absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate sample, for the diagnosis of malignancy as well as for use in adjuvant therapy. reproductive aid.
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What you need to know about prostate biopsies
Biopsy is a procedure in which several pieces of prostate tissue are removed for cytological analysis by microscopy to determine whether the tissue is benign or malignant.
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