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Tag Temporomandibular joint
Articles in Temporomandibular joint
Can temporomandibular joint dysfunction be cured?
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction not only causes a clicking sound when the patient opens his mouth or chews, but it also causes pain and discomfort. Patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction are caused by many different problems, such as arthritis, jaw trauma, or muscle fatigue due to clenching or grinding teeth. So what is temporomandibular joint dysfunction and can temporomandibular joint dysfunction be cured? This article will help readers answer this question.
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Caution of jaw pain near the ear.
Jaw pain near the ear is a common condition. Some easily recognizable symptoms of this phenomenon are pain in or around the ear, pain when chewing, jaw stiffness, headache... The causes of this problem are quite diverse, requiring a specific examination.
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What diseases does the Schuller X-ray technique diagnose?
Schuller X-ray technique is also known as the temporo-tympanic position. This is a common and usual position when a patient is suspected of having mastoiditis and requires X-rays to determine the lesions.
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