Home Tag Targeted drugs

Articles in Targeted drugs

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Side effects of targeted drugs
Targeted therapies in cancer treatment are increasingly being used to limit tumor growth. Drugs are often used for patients with advanced and distant metastatic cancer, when surgical treatments or radiation therapy cannot solve them.
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Pharmacovigilance with cancer drugs
Pharmacovigilance is essential in cancer treatment because most anticancer drugs are known for their narrow therapeutic range and high toxicity. Therefore, cancer treatment should be selected at reputable medical facilities, with close supervision and advice by doctors and medical staff.
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Symptoms of early stage laryngeal cancer
Early detection of laryngeal cancer is very important, directly affecting the prognosis and effectiveness of treatment. So what is the early stage of laryngeal cancer? how to treat? This article will help you better understand these issues.
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Targeted therapy in cancer treatment
Targeted cancer therapy is a method of treating cancer using drugs. Targeted therapy is different from traditional chemotherapy. This is a specific, targeted therapy that helps stop the growth and spread of tumors. They work by attacking specific genes or proteins.
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What is targeted therapy in cancer?
Targeted therapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to target specific genes and proteins involved in cancer cell growth and survival. Targeted therapy can affect the tissue environment that helps the cancer grow and survive, or it can target cells involved in cancer growth, such as blood vessel cells. Doctors often use targeted therapy along with chemotherapy and other cancer treatments.
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The difference between chemotherapy and targeted therapy in cancer treatment
Chemotherapy and targeted therapy are both basic and effective treatments for multimodality of cancer. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells and can also kill healthy cells, while targeted therapy only interferes with specific target molecules that lead to cancer. However, the combination of targeted therapy and chemotherapy will increase the effectiveness of the treatment.
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