Home Tag Swollen feet

Articles in Swollen feet

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The effect of the drug Phlebodia
Phlebodia drug is often used to treat symptoms related to chronic venous insufficiency such as heaviness in the legs, leg pain, early morning discomfort, edema, leg cramps while sleeping... What is the mechanism of action of the drug Phlebodia 600mg?
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Uses of Dismin 500
Dismin 500 is a medicine that is prescribed by doctors to relieve symptoms of leg pain and heaviness in patients with chronic varicose veins, and to treat hemorrhoids. So what is Dismin 500 drug? What does dismin 500 do? What are the side effects when using Dismin 500? Read more articles below to learn the necessary information about the use of Dismin 500.
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Dangerous complications of cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is one of the dangerous chronic diseases that can lead to many complications that seriously affect health, even life-threatening with a very high mortality rate.
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Diagnosis and treatment of chronic lower extremity varicose veins
Chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities is a common disease in about 10-35% of adults with slow progression, not tumultuous, causing many obstacles to daily activities and work, when the disease causes venous ulcers, it is very difficult. cured.
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What are the warning signs of a heart murmur?
Hi doctor. What are the warning signs of a heart murmur? I hope the doctor can help me. Thank you.
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Occurrence of signs of swelling of the feet, swollen feet indicate what disease? Is it related to vascular disease?
Hi doctor. In the morning, when I woke up from the thigh down to the foot, it was normal and slim, but in the afternoon, I found that there was a phenomenon of leg swelling, leg swelling, and it was not like the morning.
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When to wear medical stockings for varicose veins?
Varicose veins are dilated peripheral veins, floating on the surface of the skin, the valve system has a problem creating great pressure. There are many ways to treat this condition and using varicose veins stockings is one of them.
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Should you walk if you have varicose veins?
Walking is a very healthy habit. However, many people with varicose veins of the lower extremities stop doing this because they are advised that walking is not good for people with varicose veins. So are these tips really true? Should you walk when you have varicose veins?
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Signs of heart disease in women
Women think that cardiovascular disease mostly occurs only in men and the fact shows that it is. However, the difference will be when women enter perimenopause because cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death at this stage. So what are the signs of heart disease in women?
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Varicose veins: What you need to know
Giãn tĩnh mạch là bệnh lý thuộc nhóm bệnh của mạch máu ngoại vi. Bệnh không chỉ ảnh hưởng tới thẩm mỹ mà còn gây bất tiện trong sinh hoạt, nhiều trường hợp phải cắt bỏ chân vì viêm nhiễm nặng.
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Leg swelling and pain when standing for a long time or walking a lot is dangerous?
Hi doctor! Every time I stand for a long time or walk a lot, my legs are swollen and painful. So the doctor asked me if my feet are swollen and painful when standing for a long time or walking a lot, is it dangerous?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics