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Articles in Surgery

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Deviated nasal septum: When to operate?
Whether the deviated nasal septum needs surgery depends on the severity of the disease in each case. Nasal septum surgery is indicated when it is necessary to correct, cut, trim part or all of the nasal septum.
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Bao Viet Insurance cards are present at Vinmec hospital
As people's requirements evolve, health issues become more significant than ever, and everyone is aware that regular health check-ups are vital and important. Vinmec International General Hospital has established health insurance card programs with the finest medical examination and treatment conditions in order to provide the best quality of medical examination and treatment to consumers. with a fair price and numerous advantages.
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"I feel like I've grown up" following lumbar spondylosis surgery
Few people are aware that Uncle Pham Ngoc Son, a retired military officer from Quang Ninh who is 72 years old, has degenerative lumbar illness from the way he walks and the minimal assistance equipment he uses. I had to stop every hundred meters of walking for almost twenty years due to pain.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics