Home Tag Stool softeners

Articles in Stool softeners

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Do grade 2 hemorrhoids cause constipation?
I am a secondary school student. After colonoscopy, I was diagnosed with grade 2 hemorrhoids, normal rectum. After the examination, he returned home to take medicine, eat and play badminton every day. However, she is easily constipated. The doctor asked me, does grade 2 hemorrhoids cause constipation?
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Laxatives: When to Take?
Laxatives or medications for constipation both contain active ingredients that increase the movement, volume, and frequency of stools, thereby providing temporary relief from constipation. However, when overused, they can cause many problems, including chronic constipation. So, how to use laxatives correctly?
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How to put hemorrhoids in the anus
Using medication placed into the anus is a simple, effective and painless way to treat hemorrhoids. However, how to put hemorrhoids into the anus correctly and safely.
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What medicine to take for anal fissures?
Anal fissure disease is a question many people ask, because this condition is currently one of the common diseases that are easy to see in people with frequent constipation. Oral medication is one of the methods to treat anal fissures when the disease is in its early stages. So what drugs do people with anal fissures take?
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Note when using stool softeners for babies
Sử dụng các loại thuốc làm mềm phân cho bé là cách đơn giản nhất mà nhiều bố mẹ nghĩ đến khi con gặp phải tình trạng táo bón. Tuy nhiên, cách làm mềm phân cho bé bị táo bón bằng thuốc có thực sự an toàn không, cha mẹ cần lưu ý gì khi sử dụng loại thuốc này?
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What medicine should a baby take for constipation?
Táo bón là tình trạng thường gặp ở trẻ nhỏ, nguyên nhân có thể đến từ chế độ ăn uống hoặc bệnh lý. Khi con bị táo bón cha mẹ không nên quá lo lắng, bởi hiện nay đã có thuốc điều trị táo bón cho trẻ. Vậy trẻ con bị táo bón uống thuốc gì?
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Is it safe to take stool softeners to treat constipation during pregnancy?
Some women during pregnancy experience constipation. Although not necessarily a dangerous problem, but constipation causes many inconveniences and discomforts for pregnant women, making the pregnancy process also more or less affected. So if you experience constipation, is it safe to use stool softeners for pregnant women?
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