Home Tag Stool mixed with blood

Articles in Stool mixed with blood

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Fresh blood in the stool: Causes and treatment
Fresh blood in the stool is a warning sign of many dangerous diseases such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, rectal polyps, fibroids, etc. If not diagnosed and treated promptly, this condition can lead to serious complications. dangerous complications such as anal - rectal cancer, even life-threatening to the patient.
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Go out with blood: Don't belittle
Bloody stools are not uncommon. It can be a sign of normal constipation but can also be a sign of many other dangerous diseases such as gastrointestinal bleeding, gastritis, cancer...
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Tracking the color and smell of stools can predict a baby's illness
Theo dõi màu và mùi của phân giúp cha mẹ đoán được bệnh của trẻ, đặc biệt là các bệnh về đường tiêu hóa.
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