Home Tag Stomach cramps intermittently

Articles in Stomach cramps intermittently

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Abdominal pain can be caused by what?
There are many different types of abdominal pain, each with different causes. This article will identify the types of abdominal pain and the causes of each type, helping us to have the most complete knowledge about abdominal pain.
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Abdominal pain: In which case should you go to the doctor?
Abdominal pain refers to discomfort in the area between the chest and pelvis. Most cases resolve quickly on their own or require only basic treatment. However, if abdominal pain is accompanied by severe symptoms or on the background of chronic diseases, it is necessary to seek medical attention immediately for timely examination and treatment.
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Beware of intermittent abdominal pain around the navel
There are many causes of abdominal pain, it can be due to digestive disorders, appendicitis or stomach pain... However, when the patient has intermittent cramping abdominal pain around the navel, please Be careful because it can be a sign of some dangerous diseases.
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What are the signs of pain in the middle of the abdomen?
I have a sharp pain in the middle of my abdomen, I feel the pain stretches from the lower abdomen to the top, the pain point is from the lower abdomen. In August, I removed 7 colon polyps. So the doctor asked me, what is the sign of the intermittent pain in the middle of the abdomen?
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What to do when the child has abdominal pain around the navel?
Đau bụng ở trẻ là tình trạng rất thường gặp, nó là biểu hiện sinh lý bình thường hoặc đôi khi lại là biểu hiện của bệnh lý nào đó, nếu không phát hiện và điều trị sớm thì có thể ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến sức khỏe của trẻ.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics