Home Tag Stomach congestion

Articles in Stomach congestion

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Is gastritis and stomach congestion at risk of contagion?
Hello doctor. Yesterday, I bought sugarcane juice to drink when I bought it, but I didn't notice. When I finished the glass, I looked back at the sugarcane juice seller's hand with a whole finger sore and bleeding. I don't know if his blood fell into the sugarcane juice during the process of scooping up sugarcane juice and selling it to me.
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If I have stomach congestion, do I have to have an HP test?
I found out about stomach congestion, people told me to test for HP but I didn't do it. So let me ask, if you have stomach congestion, do you have to have an HP test?
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What is the cause of stomach and abdominal lymphadenopathy?
My father is 48 years old. My father had abdominal pain, when he went to the doctor, he was diagnosed with stomach congestion with antrum aneurysm. After a few days of treatment, my father's pain was relieved, but when he took a CT scan, he saw lymph nodes in his abdomen. So the doctor asked me what is the cause of stomach congestion, abdominal lymph nodes?
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Question and Answer: Do I need an endoscopy if I have bright red blood outside?
Hi doctor! Previously, I had an endoscopy at the hospital and was diagnosed with stomach congestion. The doctor gave me medicine that I took without any signs of improvement. Recently, I went to the toilet to have a lot of bright red blood.
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