Home Tag Stomach cancer

Articles in Stomach cancer

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The role of artificial neural networks in disease risk prediction and patient survival prognosis
Duration of survival and quality of life are important factors that both patients and physicians consider. Current studies have used artificial neural networks to consider a variety of factors to quantify survival outcomes in patients with cancer, gastrointestinal bleeding, and inflammatory bowel disease.
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Complications of pyloric stenosis
pyloric stenosis is a fairly common condition today in the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. So is pyloric stenosis dangerous, what are the complications of pyloric stenosis that patients should learn and understand to prevent?
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How many vegetables do you eat each day?
Rau củ quả là nhóm cung cấp nhiều vitamin, chất xơ cần thiết cho cơ thể hàng ngày. Ở bất kỳ độ tuổi nào cũng đều cần ăn nhóm rau củ quả, vì vậy trong mâm cơm gia đình luôn cần có. Vậy mỗi ngày ăn bao nhiêu rau là đủ? Bạn hãy cùng tìm hiểu tại bài viết sau đây.
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What you need to know about stomach biopsies
Gastric biopsy, a technique commonly performed during gastroscopy, is the gold standard for identifying gastric cancer as well as the cause of certain stomach conditions.
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