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Articles in Stomach acid

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Instructions for use of stomach pain relievers
Regular use of certain pain relievers and drinking too much alcohol can also contribute to stomach pain. Regardless of the cause, treatment with an upset stomach is always necessary to improve symptoms. However, for treatment to be highly effective, patients need to know the instructions for using stomach pain relievers according to each group.
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What to do when the medicine you take causes nausea?
Most patients take medication in the hope that it will ease their symptoms. However, there are times when the drug makes the patient feel bad and nausea when taking the drug is one of the side effects frequently mentioned in clinical practice.
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Rulox medicine: Uses, indications and notes when using
The symptoms occur due to the phenomenon of increased gastric acid secretion (burning, epigastric pain, heartburn, belching ...) making the patient extremely uncomfortable, greatly affecting health and daily life. At that time, the patient may need to use stomach acid antacids to help quickly improve uncomfortable symptoms, including Rulox. So what is Rulox?
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Maginex: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Maginex is a mineral supplement used to prevent and treat hypomagnesemia. Some preparations are also used to treat symptoms of too much stomach acid such as upset stomach, heartburn, and acid indigestion. Magnesium is important for the normal functioning of cells, nerves, muscles, bones and the heart.
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What is Gelactive Fort?
Gelactive fort is a medicine for the symptomatic treatment of digestive disorders caused by increased secretion of stomach acid. In addition, Gelactive Fort also works to support the treatment of duodenal ulcers, esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux.
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Gastroesophageal reflux disease - what medicine should I take to get rid of the disease?
Hi doctor! When you have acid reflux, what medicine to take to help? Looking forward to consulting your doctor!
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Heartburn: Causes, symptoms and treatment
Heartburn is a typical symptom of many diseases of the digestive system. This condition causes the patient to have a burning sensation in the throat, chest and stomach, causing discomfort, distraction, loss of confidence in living and working.
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Why Are Enzymes Important?
Enzymes are very important ingredients for good health. They are found in many fruits and vegetables. Therefore, you should maintain a healthy diet, especially trying to supplement with plant-based foods to supplement the amount of enzymes needed by the body.
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Consequences of erosive gastritis
When the mucosal barrier is weakened, the factors in the stomach attack will damage the mucosa. The extent of damage to the gastric mucosa is divided into many different degrees, from congestive inflammatory lesions to erosive gastritis.
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Excretion and activity of stomach acid
Stomach acid is secreted by parietal cells in the lining of the stomach, and stomach acid is highly acidic to break down and digest food more easily. So what is gastric acid secretion and how does it work in the body?
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How to tell the difference between a heart attack and heartburn. What signs to worry about?
Although the symptoms of chest pain are similar, heart attack and heartburn are two different conditions. Through this article, let's learn about the causes, symptoms, and how to tell the difference between the two.
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