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Articles in Stillbirth

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How many weeks old does a fetus have a fetal heart?
Hello doctor, how many weeks old is a fetus when there is a heartbeat? My wife had an ultrasound and the doctor said the fetus is 8 weeks old but there is no heartbeat and said the fetus is stillborn. What does this mean?
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Does blood group disagreement between husband and wife affect fertility?
Hello doctor! I was born in 1995. I recently found out that I was 6 weeks pregnant. When I went to the doctor, he said there was a fetal heartbeat and an embryo. 2 weeks later, I went back to the doctor and found out that the fetus had been missed and the baby had died. When I went to Tu Du hospital to do the procedure to get the baby delivered. The doctor did a blood test and said that I had blood type O with Rh(-), and also tested my husband's blood type which was blood type B with Rh(+). Therefore, before giving me the abortion pill, the doctor told me to inject 300mcg of Anti D immunoglobulin. After that, I was given the pill and had a miscarriage 4 hours later. Doctor, could you tell me if the reason for the missed baby was the incompatibility between my and my husband's blood types Rh- and Rh+? And I also want to know, do I still have the ability to get pregnant and give birth? Is the possibility of getting pregnant high or low? Are there any risks in my next pregnancy and childbirth? My husband and I are very worried because we have not had any children yet. This is my first pregnancy. Therefore, I really hope the doctor can answer. Thank you very much, doctor!
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8 weeks pregnant without a fetal heart, should it be saved?
Hello doctor. I am 25 years old this year, in January this year I had a natural miscarriage. I am now 8 weeks pregnant according to the doctor's calculation, my last period was on June 25. Today I went to the doctor and he said the baby has no heartbeat (I had a transvaginal ultrasound) and asked me to come in this week to have a suction to avoid heavy bleeding.
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7 weeks ultrasound without fetal heart, should it be saved?
Hello doctor! Last week I had an ultrasound and the pregnancy was 6 weeks old and the ultrasound showed a 21mm ultrasound with no fetal heartbeat. After 1 week I went back for a check-up and the ultrasound showed a 23mm ultrasound and still no fetal heartbeat. Now I am 7 weeks pregnant.
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6 weeks fetus in 2 places of ultrasound, respectively 5mm, 8mm, no fetal heart, should it be saved?
I went for an ultrasound and the doctor said the fetus was 6 weeks old and the embryo was 3mm. 2 weeks later I went back for a check-up and the doctor said the results were the same as the first time and the fetus was stillborn. I went to another place and the fetus was about 6-7 weeks old, the embryo was 8mm but there was no fetal heartbeat. I still had hope so I waited another 5 days to go for another ultrasound. Let me ask, the 6-week embryo in the 2 places with ultrasounds was 5mm, 8mm respectively, there was no fetal heartbeat, should it be stillborn? If the fetus is stillborn, the embryo will not develop anymore, right?
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Black bleeding at 6 weeks pregnant, it's unclear if the gestational sac has any effect?
months ago, I had a history of miscarriage, then I had my period again normally, my menstrual cycle is 30 days, 4 days is over. On December 18, I had my period, on January 17, it was due but it was late until January 25. I tested with a stick and saw 1 faint line and 1 faint line. I went for an ultrasound and did not see the gestational sac. On February 1, I went for an ultrasound and the doctor said he saw the gestational sac but it was not clear yet, so I should continue to monitor. In the doctor's book, my gestational age was calculated to be 6 weeks but the gestational sac was not clear and I was also bleeding a little black blood, I also told the ultrasound doctor but he did not say anything. Doctor, can you tell me that I have black blood when I am 6 weeks pregnant, I do not know if the gestational sac has any effect? What is the cause of my black blood, doctor? Thank you doctor.
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Dull abdominal pain after a month of abortion, is it okay?
Last month, I was pregnant and had a 7-week miscarriage and also had an abortion. During that time, my husband and I had sex, but for about a month now, I have been eating well and taking traditional medicine every day. Suddenly today I have a dull stomach ache, standing up causes stomach ache but lying down does not cause pain. Can you tell me if it is okay to have a dull stomach ache one month after an abortion?
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6 weeks pregnant with brown bleeding is stillbirth?
had a miscarriage at 12 weeks, now I am pregnant again at 6 weeks, I had an ultrasound and I was pregnant with twins, one gestational sac 12-14mm with yolk sac, one 5-6mm sac without yolk sac and no embryo. The doctor said that my case has a high risk of miscarriage, scheduled another ultrasound in 1 week. I went to the doctor on February 28, this morning I went to the toilet and there was brown blood and mucus. Doctor, can you tell me if I have brown blood at 6 weeks of pregnancy, is it a miscarriage? Thank you for your advice.
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There is a history of 2 stillbirths, what should I prepare for the next pregnancy?
I had 2 miscarriages. After the second time, I did a karyotype test and the results showed that I was heterozygous for PAI1, MTHFR, MTRR. I would like to ask, with a history of 2 miscarriages, what should I prepare for the next pregnancy?
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4 weeks pregnant without yolksac, embryo okay?
My period is 8 days late, the test stick shows 2 lines. I went to the doctor and found an 11mm gestational sac with no yolk sac or embryo. The conclusion is that the pregnancy is 4 weeks and 1 day old. Doctor, can you tell me if a 4-week pregnancy with no yolk sac or embryo is okay? Is the pregnancy developing slowly? I had 2 miscarriages, once at 8 weeks, once at 5 weeks, so I'm very worried.
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5 weeks pregnant without embryo and fetal heart okay?
I am 5 weeks pregnant but there is no embryo or fetal heartbeat. I have a history of miscarriage once at 5 weeks. Now, I am very worried about this pregnancy. Doctor, can you tell me if there is no embryo or fetal heartbeat at 5 weeks, is it okay? What should I do to have a healthy pregnancy? Thank you, doctor.
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