Home Tag Stage 3 lung cancer

Articles in Stage 3 lung cancer

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Simultaneous chemoradiotherapy, combined immunotherapy in inoperable stage III lung cancer!
Stage III lung cancer is cancer that has spread to nearby tissues or distant lymph nodes in the body. However, a patient's prognosis and survival time depends on many factors, including age, treatments, and overall health. Along with the development of medicine, experts have noticed good effects in cancer treatment, especially concurrent chemoradiotherapy and immunotherapy in inoperable stage III lung cancer? So how effective is the combination of radiation and chemotherapy?
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Signs of lung cancer with bone metastases - treatment prognosis
Lung cancer metastasizes to bone causing pain, negatively affecting patients' daily activities. At this stage, the treatments only help the disease to be in remission, not able to completely destroy the cancer cells.
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Stage 3 lung cancer: Prognosis, survival and treatment methods
Stage 3 lung cancer has spread to nearby tissues or distant lymph nodes in the body. In general, lung cancer at this stage is curable, but prognosis and survival depend on many factors, including age, treatments, and overall health.
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