Home Tag Spinal fractures

Articles in Spinal fractures

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Osteoporosis and Steroid Drugs
Steroid-containing drugs are used to treat inflammation such as arthritis, neuralgia... However, they also have a major effect on the metabolism of calcium, vitamins and bones. This can lead to things like: bone loss, osteoporosis, and fractures. Therefore, the use of steroids should be consulted and prescribed by a specialist to reduce the risk of drug effects on bones.
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First aid for a broken bone: Don't try to move the patient
Gãy xương là do lực tác động bên ngoài từ tai nạn sinh hoạt, tai nạn giao thông... khiến cho xương bị gãy. Gãy xương là một trong những tai nạn thường gặp, cần được điều trị kịp thời và đúng cách.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics