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Articles in Social disease

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Treatment of Genital Warts in Various Locations
Genital warts are a very dangerous social disease that tends to concentrate mostly in the genital area, negatively affecting the daily life and family happiness of many people. Here are the things you need to know about genital warts.
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Some dangerous sexually transmitted diseases
Every year, there are an estimated 250 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) worldwide. Most of these diseases can be transmitted either directly or indirectly.
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Are genital herpes and genital warts the same?
Genital herpes and genital warts are both sensitive topics. Most patients often confuse the two due to their similar symptoms, leading to incorrect treatment.
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Mouth sores in HIV patient
HIV-related mouth sores are one of early signs of the disease from the beginning of the stages. The condition not only causes many obstacles and inconveniences to daily life, mouth sores also create conditions for infection, leading to other health risks. So what causes mouth sores in the early stage of HIV?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics