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Articles in Skin biopsy

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How to take care of skin with folliculitis
Folliculitis is a very common skin condition characterized by inflammation and infection of hair follicles. The signs of folliculitis begin with mild irritation and redness of the affected skin, accompanied by a slight burning sensation, peeling, and pain. Although folliculitis is not contagious from person to person, it can spread to other areas of the body if proper skin care is not taken.
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Localized scleroderma: What you need to know
Scleroderma is characterized by the proliferation and deposition of collagen in the skin, blood vessel walls and many other organs in the body. This deposition causes consequences such as skin thickening, damage and impaired function of internal organs. Therefore, early diagnosis is needed for treatment to help reduce recurrence and control the disease, limiting dangerous complications.
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Is taking a biopsy sample dangerous?
Biopsy is one of the most commonly used and highly effective methods in diagnosing cancer and other diseases. However, many patients are concerned about whether biopsy is dangerous or not? To answer the above question, please read the article below!
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Learn the technique of skin biopsy
Skin biopsy is considered an essential method in the diagnosis of diseases in dermatology. It is important because thanks to this technique, doctors can accurately identify skin diseases, especially skin cancer, thereby giving the most appropriate and effective treatment for the patient.
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Skin cancer pictures
Skin cancer usually begins with changes in the skin. They can be new growths or precancerous lesions. Skin cancer can be cured if detected and treated early.
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Learn about commonly used biopsy methods
Biopsy is one of the most reliable and accurate testing methods. Biopsy tests are especially useful and often applied in the diagnosis of cancers, helping to prevent unnecessary risks to the patient's health and life.
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Skin mole biopsies: What should be noted?
Biopsy of skin moles is an important procedure, helping doctors accurately diagnose skin cancers, especially melanoma. However, what should be kept in mind when performing this biopsy method? Please read the article below to find out more details!
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Basal cell carcinoma: Diagnosis and treatment
Basal cell carcinoma is a malignant tumor that originates in the cells in the basal layer of the epidermis. Diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma is based on clinical symptoms and histopathological examination.
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15 common warning signs of cancer
Cancer often has no specific symptoms, so for prevention and early detection, people need to limit risk factors and implement appropriate cancer screening measures. Here are 15 warning signs of cancer that each person needs to pay attention to for timely examination.
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90% of people in Vietnam do not know this when having a biopsy
Histopathological and cytological biopsy is a medical procedure performed quite commonly today, but most patients and family members rarely understand the importance and significance of this procedure before proceeding. . This is the most accurate disease assessment method that provides information at the tissue and cellular level, when methods such as tests, ultrasound, endoscopy,... do not bring enough information to make a definitive diagnosis. and monitor disease progression. And especially with cancers, histopathological diagnosis is a mandatory indication.
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What happens with the biopsy?
A biopsy is a test that helps doctors check for and detect health problems, such as infections, tumors, or cancer. Currently, there are many different types of biopsies, each method will be applied depending on the health status of the patient.
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