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Articles in Severe infection

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Uses of Augbidil 250mg
Augbidil 250mg is an antibiotic in powder form for oral suspension, indicated for the treatment of severe infections. What are the uses of Augbidil? What side effects does the drug cause for the patient and what should be noted in order to use the drug safely and effectively?
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Uses of Medazolin
Medazolin is a medicine used for patients with infections caused by viruses or bacteria. Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor for more specific support and advice. The following are some shares to help you understand what Medazolin drug does?
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Uses of Ilascin
Ilascin is an antibiotic given by injection to help treat bacterial infections. Ilascin is usually indicated in severe infections and with great caution because of the risk of drug resistance.
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Uses of Zilvit
Zilvit's active ingredient is Amikacin, a semi-synthetic antibiotic belonging to the Aminoglycoside group. Zilvit is indicated in the treatment of serious, life-threatening infections, especially blood infections suspected of being caused by Gram-negative bacilli.
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Uses of Tabazo
Tabazo is an antibiotic given by injection, indicated in cases of infections caused by bacteria sensitive to this antibiotic. To ensure the effective treatment of the drug and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to use Tabazo as prescribed by the doctor / pharmacist.
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Uses of Midapran
Thuốc Midapran có thành phần là kháng sinh nhóm cephalosporin thế hệ 4, có phổ tác dụng rộng trên nhiều loại vi khuẩn gram âm và gram dương. Để có thể hiểu rõ được công dụng và những điều cần phải lưu ý khi dùng thuốc, hãy tìm hiểu qua bài viết dưới đây.
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Uses of Bearnir
Bearnir là thuốc thường được chỉ định trong điều trị các trường hợp nhiễm trùng máu, nhiễm khuẩn xương... hoặc dự phòng nhiễm khuẩn sau phẫu thuật. Để tìm hiểu chi tiết hơn về công dụng thuốc Bearnir và những thông tin quan trọng, mời bạn đọc tham khảo bài viết sau.
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Monitor blood levels of vancomycin
Vancomycin is an antibiotic used to treat serious, life-threatening infections caused by gram-positive bacteria. The effective reference range of vancomycin blood concentrations at trough is 5-15 mcg/mL and at peak is 20-40 mcg/mL. If vancomycin blood levels are outside this range, there is a possibility of no bactericidal effect or a risk of nephrotoxicity. Therefore, testing to monitor Vancomycin blood levels is necessary to maintain appropriate drug thresholds, both effective and safe for patients.
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