Home Tag Screening for coronary artery disease

Articles in Screening for coronary artery disease

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Coronary Disease Screening (Part 3)
Although recommendations vary on the optimal approach for coronary heart disease (BMV) screening, there are no professional association guidelines or consensus statements in favor of universal screening. The following examples of recommendations from key groups are illustrative of the proposed variable recommendations.
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Coronary Disease Screening (Part 2)
A variety of screening methods have been studied, from blood tests to both non-invasive and invasive cardiovascular assessments. No available test has been shown to be useful for screening large populations, although some may play a role in specific populations.
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Screening for coronary heart disease (Part 1)
Although mortality from coronary heart disease (BMV) has decreased significantly in many countries, CVD remains the leading cause of death among adults in developed countries and a leading cause of premature death. rapidly among adults in developing countries.
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How to prevent coronary artery disease?
People with coronary artery disease usually die within 24 hours of the onset of angina, and if they can survive, they will also leave dangerous sequelae. The main risk factors for coronary artery disease include being overweight, family history, smoking, dyslipidemia as well as having diabetes and hypertension... Therefore, it is important to take preventive measures. Prevention of coronary heart disease is extremely important.
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The best way to keep your heart healthy
Cardiovascular health is important for the entire body. Here are ways to keep your heart healthy and improve your quality of life.
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What does screening for coronary artery disease include?
Coronary artery disease is one of the dangerous diseases, which can have serious consequences for health as well as economy if not detected and treated promptly. In order to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in general and coronary artery disease in particular, patients need to actively undergo periodic health check-ups and screen for cardiovascular diseases to have the opportunity to treat the disease early and limit the risk of cardiovascular disease. symptoms.
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