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Tag Savi Dimin medicine
Articles in Savi Dimin medicine
Savi Dimin: Uses, dosage and side effects note
Savi Dimin is used to treat acute hemorrhoids, venous insufficiency (heavy legs in the morning, leg pain, restlessness, edema). Using Savi Dimin can also cause some unwanted side effects and often occur on the digestive system with manifestations such as diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, vomiting...
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The most popular drugs to treat hemorrhoids today
Management of hemorrhoids will include dietary changes, drinking plenty of fluids, changes in lifestyle habits, and the use of certain medications. Depending on the severity and condition of the disease, hemorrhoids can be treated conservatively or surgically.
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Daflon 500mg: Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects
Depending on the severity and condition of the disease, hemorrhoids can be treated conservatively or surgically. Hemorrhoid management will include a combination of dietary changes, increased water intake, lifestyle modifications, and the use of some common hemorrhoid medications.
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