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Articles in rhinitis

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Advantages of endoscopic sinus surgery
Phẫu thuật nội soi mũi xoang trong các trường hợp: Bệnh nhân bị viêm mũi xoang mạn tính, polyp mũi, điều trị nội khoa thất bại, tái phát 4 lần trở lên trong năm gây ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống hoặc trong trường hợp viêm mũi xoang cấp tính có biến chứng.
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Diagnosis and treatment of nasal polyps
Polyp mũi xoang gây ra triệu chứng ngạt mũi, tắc mũi, thậm chí không thở được bằng mũi, mất khả năng ngửi, nói giọng mũi kín. Việc chẩn đoán và điều trị polyp mũi từ sớm có thể hạn chế những triệu chứng nguy hiểm.
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Methods to cure crooked nasal septum
Bệnh vẹo vách ngăn mũi thường do bẩm sinh hoặc va chạm mạnh, khiến vách ngăn mũi bị lệch, không chỉ ảnh hưởng đến thẩm mỹ mà đôi khi còn gây ra nhiều biến chứng nguy hiểm. Cách điều trị bệnh vẹo vách ngăn mũi là dùng thuốc và phẫu thuật chỉnh tạo vách ngăn.
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Can allergic rhinitis be treated with traditional medicine?
Xin chào bác sĩ. Dạ cho tôi hỏi, tôi bị viêm mũi dị ứng với thời tiết. Nếu tôi chữa theo đông y liệu có khỏi không? Bài thuốc đông y gồm: hoa cúc, kỷ tử, bạc hà nấu dạng nước uống hàng ngày. Xin bác sĩ tư vấn thêm ạ.
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Does surgery completely cure allergic rhinitis?
Hello doctor. I have had allergic rhinitis for a long time, can I have surgery to completely treat the disease? I took medicine for many years, the disease did not go away and caused a lot of trouble for my daily activities. Seek advice from a doctor.
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Does allergic rhinitis need surgery or should it be treated with medication?
Hello doctor! I am 36 years old and had allergic rhinitis 7 years ago. Currently, the condition of sneezing, not being able to breathe through the nose makes it difficult to sleep and sometimes sneezes have an unpleasant smell. So I would like to ask the doctor, does allergic rhinitis need surgery or should it be treated with drugs?
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Seborrheic otitis media in adults: Causes, symptoms and treatment
Diseases of the ENT region are very diverse. Among them, adult serous otitis media is a very common disease but often does not have many typical symptoms, the disease is easy to miss leading to not being treated promptly.
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Frequently asked questions about sneezing
The human nose holds the important job of filtering, humidifying, and warming the air before it enters the lungs. The nose also secretes mucus to clear bacteria and foreign objects out of the airways.
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How long is the eustachian tube? Why or inflammation?
The eustachian tube can be blocked or obstructed for a variety of reasons. If otitis media is not treated, it will go deeper, leading to otitis media and greatly affecting the patient's health.
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Tonsillitis causing an abscess around the tonsils
A tonsil abscess is a purulent inflammatory condition that occurs in the loose connective tissue located around the tonsils, between the tonsils and the side wall of the throat. Abscesses around the tonsils are common in older children and adults. There are many causes of tonsillitis, of which the most common is the resulting tonsillitis.
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Indication to insert the nose wick first
Nosebleed is a common symptom, which can be caused by trauma or dry nasal mucosa. Sometimes it can be due to systemic causes such as high blood pressure or blood disease. For bleeding points in the anterior nose, there is an indication to insert the nose wick first to stop the bleeding.
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