Home Tag Rhinitis

Articles in Rhinitis

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Nasal vasoconstrictor: Reasons not to use it for a long time
Nasal vasoconstrictor is a drug that works to reduce phenomena such as: congestion and bleeding, swelling... However, nasal vasoconstrictor should not be used for a long time to avoid unwanted consequences.
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Tyrosur: Uses, dosage, side effects
In most cases, the use of Tyrosur medicine does not cause serious skin reactions. However, if the symptoms do not improve after 7 days of treatment, the patient should actively stop taking the drug and notify the treating doctor.
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Notes when using Coldi nasal spray
Coldi B medicine contains the active ingredient oxymetazolin, has the effect of constricting the nasopharyngeal mucosa, reducing the secretion of nasal mucosa, so it is used in the treatment of symptoms of runny nose, stuffy nose in sinusitis, flu, nasopharyngitis and runny nose. seasonal. Let's learn the uses and notes when using Coldi-B nasal spray through the article below.
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